Who We Are
This is a snapshot of who we are: people who care deeply about creating loving community that nurtures you on your spiritual path. We love the God of our being, we connect and inspire people to a greater experience of their divinity, we serve from that place of inspiration, we learn and grow on the conscious spiritual path, and we do all this with a commitment to integrity and congruency in our conduct.
We are who we say we are.
Our Vision
Our preferred future
Healed, spiritually awakened people living in harmony
in a world that works for all.
Core Values
Our guiding principles on the journey
Our values are
Love, Connection, Service, and Wellness.
Love – We are a welcoming community who recognizes and honors God in ourselves and in others by expressing unconditional Love.
Connection – We foster deep connection with ourselves, each other, and the community.
Service – We give love, time, and treasure freely giving in the same way God has given to us, graciously and abundantly.
Wellness – We hold a positive affirmative commitment to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and growth with restoration from dis-ease.
Our Mission
Our purpose or reason for being
We are an inclusive spiritual community that restores wholeness, practices peace, and promotes equity.
Our Strategies
To get from today to our vision,
in accordance with our values,
we do these things
Love – Teach and practice love for self, church, community, nation, and planet.
Connection – Create spiritual groups, ministries, committees, and classes that foster friendship, connection, and support.
Service – Provide service opportunities for all, fostering meaningful engagement that inspires, strengthens, and creates a lasting impact in the lives of those serving and those we serve.
Wellness – Promote the life-affirming, healing message of the Fillmores, Unity Founders, updated for today’s world.
Foundation – Base everything on the teachings of Jesus and the power of affirmative prayer.