The Power of Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative Prayer moves us to the realization that within the universe there is one Infinite, Universal Presence that permeates everything. This Presence, being everywhere, must be within all things and therefore, within us. With this attitude of mind we reach an acceptance of new possibilities in life—we are able to see, feel and speak of the good we desire as already ours. Then we let the universe do the work. An affirmative prayer is not about convincing God to do something for us. It is becoming aware of the God presence within.
At Unity of Bellevue we want to pray in this way for you. As you make your prayer request, it's generally most useful for you to consider what you want to experience as the outcome of the condition or situation in your life that needs prayer support. Ask yourself: If everything in this situation ended up being the best outcome for everyone, how would I feel? What would be happening? How would I know if this prayer were answered?
When you have a good sense of the answers to these questions, see if you can state your request in an affirmative way: "I'm ready to accept my perfect new job" or "Wholeness and health are mine" or "My spouse and I are lovingly working through our challenges" or "My mother (friend, relative, coworker) is at peace now, and so am I!" And if you just can't get there yet, let us know that, too, and we'll be in prayer for your highest good.

Our Prayer Chaplains
Our prayer chaplains, Maura, Miriam, Denise, Lori, Lisa, Susan, and Cindy (not pictured), are available to pray with you at anytime on Sunday, especially following the Celebration Service. Or, we invite you to fill out a Prayer Request using the online form above or using a Prayer Request card available in the Atrium by the South Entrance or in the Sanctuary seat backs.